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3 Ways to Effortlessly Re-Engage Existing Candidates

If you’ve used iRecruit, applicant tracking system, for a while chances are you have thousands of candidates in your database that you’ve never hired. These applicants selected your positions and applied months or even years ago. So now, if you have new positions available, the same types of roles that these candidates previously applied to, you have this amazing database of contacts that can help you reach these potential new hires with a few mouse clicks. If you’re in a hurry to find talent,  this is a fantastic option to have at your fingertips.

Email Your Available Job Openings
Send an email blast to the candidates when you have a high-priority job opening. Encourage existing applicants to apply and submit an updated resume. Make sure you search candidates by selecting the role so you can send an email blast to the right candidates.

Advertise a Career Fair
Email candidates to let them know where you’ll be if you’re attending a local, national or college career fair or a public event such as an industry conference.

Encourage to Follow on LinkedIn or other social media sites
This is a good way for candidates to get to know your brand and not just your job openings.


About iRecruit

With options for ExpressProfessional and Enterprise, you can find a flexible recruiting and onboarding solution that works for your budget, and meets your needs.  If you have any questions, please let us know.

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