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Roundup: This Week’s Top Recruiting Stories From Around The Web

Recruiting Roundup: This week how to select the perfect candidate, why candidates reject jobs and more … this week’s top recruiting stories from around the web.

What’s in demand? computer science
The U.S. Department of Labor projects that employment of computer scientists will increase by
19% through 2020 and a 2011 report by the Computing Research Association (CRA) found that
the number of students enrolling in college computer science programs has increased for the last
three years.

Why “Name-only” Employee Referrals Produce Dramatic Results
Employee referrals provide the highest quality and the highest volume of hires, but you won’t
receive as high a level of results if you don’t minimize roadblocks to referrals. Requiring a current
resume for employee referrals is a major “under-the-radar” detriment to reaching the goal of
having referrals exceed 50% of all hires.

Reasons for Post-Acceptance Job Rejections
With last month’s unemployment rate at 7.8 percent, it doesn’t seem likely that anyone in this
economy would turn down a job offer, especially after already accepting the position. Yet, that is
not the case.

Choose the Perfect Candidate In 3 Easy Steps
Choose the Perfect Candidate In 3 Easy Steps and improve the recruitment process using BRYTeSpot’s Communication Styles program for Recruitment.

Nearly Five Percent of U.S. Workers Are Age Sixty-Five Plus
A recent CareerBuilder study shows 57 percent of workers age 60 plus said they would look for a
new job after retiring from their current company, showing that retirement no longer means the
end of one’s career. In fact, an estimated 4.7% of jobs are held by workers who are 65 years of
age and over, up from 4% in 2001. That amounts to seven million jobs.

Looking for more? Check out last week’s Roundup: This Week’s Top Recruiting Stories From Around The Web, or follow @cmsirecruit on Twitter for regular updates.  

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