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Roundup: This Week’s Top Recruiting Stories From Around The Web

Recruiting Roundup: This week a checklist for hiring, how your job ads may be driving away talent, the rock stars of social media recruiting and more…

Meet the rock-star brands of social recruiting
We’ve all seen how social media can engage customers and employees, but many companies forget about job-seekers, who now conduct most of their job searches online. Innovative brands are reaching out to candidates on social media. Sites created to let friends communicate are being used by clever recruiters to communicate their employer brand to active and passive candidates.

Your Job Ads Are Driving Away Talent
I read job ads in my spare time. People send me especially ridiculous ones just to make me laugh. The other day I read one that began promisingly enough with, “If you’re ready to work hard on a top-drawer team of hard-chargers, keep reading” and then went on to list twenty-two tedious, “Essential Job Qualifications” that could only serve to eliminate any actual top-drawer candidates who bothered to apply. After the hard-charger opening, that job ad fell right back into the usual territory (“are you good enough for us?”) without bothering to give the reader any good reason to consider the available job worth his or her time or interest.

A Checklist for Success in Hiring Employees
Want to recruit and hire a superior workforce? This checklist for hiring employees will help you systematize your process for hiring, whether it’s your first employee or one of many employees that you are hiring. This checklist helps you keep track of your recruiting efforts. This hiring checklist communicates both the recruiting and the hiring process and progress in recruiting to the hiring manager.  

Do You Acknowledge Job Applicants?
Why is it that the majority of companies no longer acknowledge the receipt of one’s cover letter and resume? Nor do companies acknowledge the fulfillment of their position. In a culture where people complain about the lack of common courtesy, it seems that corporations and businesses are completely disregarding common courtesy. Is it no longer considered standard business policy to at least send an email response of some sort? 

Talent Acquisition: The Eyesore of HR?
After working in a number of talent acquisition groups over the course of my career, I have often reflected on the many comments and sentiments that have been shared with me about the function. My belief has been and always will be that talent acquisition is the only function within HR that can destroy the business and HR.

Honest Job Descriptions
NPR’s Planet Money asked listeners to tweet their #honestjobdescription last week. Some of the responses have been really entertaining.

iRecruit Webinar Dates February 2013
Announcing the iRecruit webinar presentation schedule for February 2013. Learn how to take control of your applicant tracking process, and manage your applicants in a centralized, secure, cloud-based database.

Looking for more?  follow @cmsirecruit on Twitter for regular updates.

About iRecruit
iRecruit is a web-based applicant tracking software designed to provide any size of business a cost effective, affordable and simple way to handle their recruiting process online. iRecruit provides you with your own career center that will allow your applicants to select the position they are interested in, and apply online through your website!

Weekly demos, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2pm Eastern Time (Register Today), or call us at 1-800-517-9099 to schedule a demo at your convenience.

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