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Roundup: This Week’s Top Recruiting Stories From Around The Web

Recruiting Roundup: This week why some recruiters will always be successful, how to recruit if you work for a “lousy” company, improving the candidate experience and more…

Don’t Hire the Right Person for the Job: or, Why Some Industries Can’t Be Fixed from Within
Workers often choose professions known for a certain dark side — in particular, violence and aggression — precisely because they already exhibit those darker qualities. That’s why broken cultures, from Wall St. to the gridiron, cannot be fixed from within.

Why Some Recruiters Will Almost Always Be a Success
There is nothing like a good controversy to stir up one’s feelings and subsequently a fierce debate. One of my favorite things about reading articles on ERE is how some of its contributors have a wonderful ability to write articles that generate comments a mile long because of controversial subjects covered.

How to Recruit for a Lousy Company
One time, at cheerleading camp in Texas, one of the camp counselors asked us, “What do you do if your football team is the worst in the district?” The answer was to cheer anyway, because that is your responsibility. In fact, you have to cheer louder and bigger to motivate the team, the spectators, the alumni, and the students.

Improving the Candidate Experience
A recent article from ERE discusses the frequent buzzwords we hear relating to the candidate experience (culture, employment brand, employer of choice, relationships) and what it actually means from a candidate perspective.

In Hiring, a Friend in Need Is a Prospect, Indeed
Riju Parakh wasn’t even looking for a new job. But when a friend at Ernst & Young recommended her, Ms. Parakh’s résumé was quickly separated from the thousands the firm receives every week because she was referred by a current employee, and within three weeks she was hired. “You know how long this usually takes,” she said. “It was miraculous.”

Resume draws inspiration from Amazon.com, goes viral
To most people a resume is an essential part of the job hunting process. Bur for some, it is a creative way to market themselves. Phillippe Dubost seems to belong to the second category when it comes to being creative with resumes. Dubost’s resume draws inspiration from the product listing template of Amazon.com. Dubost is a web product manager based in Paris who admits that he spends way too much time on the shopping site. Little wonder, that his resume looks an exact replica of Amazon’s product page.

iRecruit Webinar Dates February 2013
Announcing the iRecruit webinar presentation schedule for February 2013. Learn how to take control of your applicant tracking process, and manage your applicants in a centralized, secure, cloud-based database.We have weekly webinar demos scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2pm Eastern Time (US). Or contact us at 1-800-517-9099 to schedule a webinar at your convenience.

Looking for more? follow @cmsirecruit on Twitter for regular updates.

About iRecruit
iRecruit is a web-based applicant tracking software designed to provide any size of business a cost effective, affordable and simple way to handle their recruiting process online. iRecruit provides you with your own career center that will allow your applicants to select the position they are interested in, and apply online through your website!

Weekly demos, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2pm Eastern Time (Register Today), or call us at 1-800-517-9099 to schedule a demo at your convenience.

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