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Roundup: This Week’s Top Recruiting Stories From Around The Web

Recruiting news this week: Hiring Veterans is good for business, video interviewing, the world-wide skills shortage, and perspective on the entitlement of employees.

iRecruit Webinar Dates April 2013
Announcing the iRecruit webinar presentation schedule for April 2013. Learn how to take control of your applicant tracking process, and manage your applicants in a centralized, secure, cloud-based database. We have weekly webinar demos scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2pm Eastern Time (US). Or contact us at 1-800-517-9099 to schedule a webinar at your convenience.

5 Tales from Awesomely Awkward Job Interviews
Blanking on the recruiter’s name or forgetting to bring copies of your résumé may not endear you to a prospective employer. However, you can take heart in the fact that your error wasn’t so horrible it will be remembered (and shared) for years to come. Not all interviewees are so lucky.

6 Reasons Why Video Interviewing Will Soon Go Mainstream
Enterprise tech is “hot” for the right reasons. The barriers to entry, once the sole domain of the tech behemoths, are diminishing, and it is now cheaper than ever to build software that can be accessed by anyone, from any place, at anytime.

Entitlement: Your Biggest Flaw?
I was on a panel last night at my alma mater Boston University, and someone asked me what one thing someone could do to absolutely, positively, guarantee that I’d never give them their first job. The answer was pretty simple: If they came in with even the slightest sense of entitlement, I’d never hire them. Whether you’re fresh out of college  looking for your first break, or the CEO heading to a new CEO position, entitlement can hurt you. No one wants to work with someone entitled. It just isn’t fun. And trust me, if you’re entitled, you won’t have your job for long.

The Skills Gap Heard Round The World
Companies in the top ten world economies report losses in productivity and revenue due to a skills gap, survey finds. Think you’ve got it bad trying to find skilled labor? You should see the other guys. According to CareerBuilder’s most recent survey, the U.S. isn’t the only country that’s feeling the hurt of a skills gap – far from it, in fact. Of the countries with the largest gross domestic product, China seems to be suffering the most from vacant positions, where 81 percent of employers in China say they have open positions they cannot fill.

Hiring Veterans Is Good Business. So Why Don’t We Do It More Often?
Ten years after the start of the Iraq War, we’re all familiar with the case for hiring veterans: they’re mature, responsible, have significant managerial experience, and are used to chaotic, ambiguous environments. Many possess skills that are highly transferable. So why is the gap between veteran and nonveteran unemployment rates 9.4% and 7.9% respectively?

About iRecruit
iRecruit is a web-based applicant tracking software designed to provide any size of business a cost effective, affordable and simple way to handle their recruiting process online. iRecruit provides you with your own career center that will allow your applicants to select the position they are interested in, and apply online through your website!

Weekly demos, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2pm Eastern Time (Register Today), or call us at 1-800-517-9099 to schedule a demo at your convenience.

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