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What is a ZipRecruiter TrafficBoost?

If you need to get candidates in the door as quickly as possible ZipRecruiter’s TrafficBoost can increase both the visibility and traffic to your job advertisement. TrafficBoost provides increased placement for your job on ZipRecruiter.com, partner sites, and in job alert emails. Your job gets an increased ranking score, which boosts its visibility in search results.

iRecruit has two ZipRecruiter TrafficBoost levels available:

  • Single boost (allows up to 100 additional visitors)
  • Double boost (up to 200 additional visitors)

ZipRecruiter TrafficBoost

TrafficBoost will remain active for 100 or 200 unique visitors per boost credit applied or 30 days, whichever occurs first to deliver the maximum number of visitors to your job posting.

How much does ZipRecruiter TrafficBoost cost?

ZipRecruiter TrafficBoost is just $199 per single boost and $299 for a double boost.

How to Apply TrafficBoost to Your Job Post

You activate a TrafficBoost from your Requisition page in iRecruit by selecting Advertise Requisition, and then selecting if you would like to post for free, or use a TrafficBoost. You can pay by credit card.

About iRecruit’s ZipRecruiter Integration

iRecruit’s ZipRecruiter integration,makes it easy for you to get candidates quickly whether you post for free, or use the TrafficBoost option. We recommend creating and using a short application form for your ZipRecruiter applications to keep the apply process short and quick.


Related: Announcement: iRecruit has Partnered with ZipRecruiter

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